Friday, February 5, 2010

Book in a Month

A few month's ago, my friend, Heather took on a rather monumental task.  She decided she would write a book in a month!  She had started several books along the way and always knew there was a novel inside her just waiting to come out but as the busy mom of three children, time was definitely a factor.  So spurred on by the challenge of writing a book in a month and some other Facebook friends who were attempting to do the same, she embarked on her writing adventure.  One month later she had successfully completed her book! 

Now she's started a blog to share the beginning chapters of her book with the rest of the world and hopefully garner some interest from publishers and us, the reading public.  Check out her new blog...

1 comment:

  1. well, thank you so much! i appreciate any publicity i can get!
