Friday, March 26, 2010

Help Me to Unclutter My Life, Lord

Rescue me from this eternal confusion of belongings (mine and other people's) that just won't stay orderly.  This suffocation of phone calls, clubs, and committees.  This choke of bills and papers and magazines and junk mail.  I buy too many things, subscribe to too many things, belong to too many things.  The result is such confusion I can't really enjoy or do justice to anything!

Deliver me from some of this Lord.  Help me to stop bewailing this clutter and work out some plan for cutting it down.

Give me the will power to stop buying things we don't really need ...and give, oh give me the will power to get rid of a lot of things we already have...And while I'm at it Lord, help me to unclutter my mind.  Of regrets and resentments and anxieties, of idiotic dialogues and foolish broodings.

Sweep it clean and free.

Make it calm and quiet.

Make it orderly.

-Marjorie Holmes in Lord, Let Me Love


  1. great post!!! I need to declutter too!!!

  2. Definitely my prayer as well. Sometimes I think if one more purchase or paper enters my house, it will literally explode!!! It kind of makes me sick when I think of how much stuff Americans have (myself included). We have so much, we forget what we have, and then we go out and buy more stuff, only to find that we already have something similar. Ugh!

  3. good prayer, it's so hard to practice!
